May 12, 2009


Paint my memories the color of dreams,

shade them with nuances,

both brilliant and subtle of hue.

Give them form and texture,

warmth and life,

that i may always hold

dear the wonder of living.

No matter how dreary or bland

existence has or will become,

remembrance will entertain me.

Give me perfect recollection

of the finest times, smell and

savor, texture, emotion,

that i may be brave in the face

of adversity and calm in times

of crisis. Not so vivid they force

me to live in the past, merely

to sustain me through the future,

and reassure me of peace.

Creative Commons License
This work by mysticdave is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.


  1. This has such a serene feel to it, beautiful

  2. An affirmation of tranquility and peace. Very nicely done and beautiful photo.

  3. enjoyed it- nice.

    -Fresh Writing

  4. Beautiful artwork!!

    I had to share this on twitter. Also followed you while I was on :)

  5. Amazing...and you know what's weird, I made paintings way back and they looked liked the image on this post... :D

  6. ...and this was posted on May 12??? May 12 is my birthday! :-)

  7. Really nice poem, with a fantastic abstract painting to mirror it. savor, texture, emotion one of the strongest lines in the poem.

  8. Dancing with Joy... so enjoyed watching you develop as a writer and a poet this year. You just keep getting better and better, so cool! :) You have so much to say so keep writing!
