Mystical poetry and prose about spirituality, religion, dreams, death, war, peace, politics, Earth, nature, love, etc. You will also find interesting and informative posts on a wide variety of subjects. My poetry videos are also included.....Enjoy the trip... :)
There has been an evolution of consciousness going on for some time, but humanity is indeed facing challenging times. There is absolutely no denying the fact of this. It is all around us. Wars, terrorism, famine, disease, corruption, homelessness, the end of the central banking pyramid scheme currently manifesting itself as the global financial crisis. Climate change, the media tries to teach us is not man-made, despite a wealth of scientific evidence to the contrary, and there are many other things besides. Even in this film it mentions some of the challenges we are facing from the very governments and police forces we have employed to protect us, and who, through the use of a controlled media have slowly worked to convince the people that they are our rulers when they are in fact our servants.
Yet despite all the problems we face, any investigation reveals that all of these issues have a common cause and that this cause can very easily be addressed. All that is needed to do so is public awareness of the real situation humanity is facing. In fact, when one puts away the fear, stands back and looks deep enough, it can be seen that all these challenges actually present mankind with a most wonderful opportunity, perhaps the greatest we have ever had offered to us. Indeed such challenges as those that we currently face may even be seen as something of a blessing for were it not for the challenges the opportunity we now have would never have presented itself to us. And it truly is being handed to us on a silver platter.
What we are being provided with is an opportunity to embrace the power we all have; the choice to step away from the fear and to unite the human family. An opportunity for the human race to understand the connection we have to each other and to embrace a unity of consciousness. Certainly, it is extremely important that we free ourselves from the corporate shackles of this society; it is important that the social and political issues, the fake wars of contrivance, the loss of rights, and the attitude of our corrupt governments and police forces be dealt with, but what is even more important is that they be dealt with in the right way. That way is not through violence and revolution. It is not through a center of anger and hatred. The powers that be want violent revolution, they want the polarized energy such conflagrations produce but this must not be done for the most effective way to deal with it all is through a peaceful rebellion of non compliance to the system and through adherence to the one law. To connect to the heart and to do the right thing.
The Zeitgeist Movement (TZM) is a worldwide grassroots organization that serves as the communication and activist arm of The Venus Project, founded by industrial designer and social engineer Jacque Fresco. It describes itself as a "sustainability advocacy organization" and is focused on raising awareness for a global social change, by transitioning society from a Monetary-Based Economy to a new, sustainable social design called a "Resource-Based Economy". The Zeitgeist Movement was inspired by the social response to Peter Joseph's films Zeitgeist: The Movie and Zeitgeist: Addendum. However, it was Zeitgeist Addendum which first introduced The Venus Project. The Zeitgeist Movement's website states that a distinction is to be made between the work of The Movement and the issues raised in Peter Joseph's films in that The Movement is not necessarily in advocacy of any views demonstrated in the films and exists on its own.
Concepts advocated by the Zeitgeist Movement:
* The main concept advocated by the Zeitgeist Movement is that all the World's resources should be the common heritage of all the World's people.
* Resource based economy: The Zeitgeist Movement recognizes that money creates established institutions that are forced to protect themselves, which inhibits progress. Therefore, they contend, the fractional reserve system, usury/interest, and credit are all functions of a flawed system that creates debt -- leading to the need for employment for the purpose of paying off debts. A process known as 'cyclical consumption'.
* Automation: The Zeitgeist Movement propose that automation is more productive than human labor and frees mankind from repetitive and tedious tasks.
* Artificial intelligence: The Zeitgeist Movement proposes a concept known as 'Social Cybernation' which involves the allocation of decision-making to machines. Modern societies are highly complex and are currently managed by the bureaucracy, which suffer all kinds of limitations owing to lack of co-ordination, human inefficiency, etc. This form of management and decision-making can be done far more efficiently using cybernetic technology and already many industries manage their resources using cybernetics and Artificial Intelligence. Machines also do not suffer biases and are much better placed to take objective decisions than human beings. Machines would also be needed to store and retrieve information because humans have a limited capacity for memory.
* Technological unification of the globe: The Zeitgeist Movement believes that globally shared technology is required to monitor planetary resources in real time, and theoretically make the most efficient use of them in solving planetary problems.
* Scientific methodology: The Zeitgeist Movement claim that planetary government should be obligated to methodology, rather than being based on opinions. This could possibly cause governing decisions that are arrived at through scientific method, not belief.
* No private property: One of the major stances of the Zeitgeist Movement is their perspective on property. They posit that property is wasteful and unsustainable, and that it should be done away with in favor of a system of universal access. This would be made possible through an abundance of goods and services (with the help of automation/cybernation), leading to an elimination of the need for ownership.
* Sustainable City Systems: The Zeitgeist Movement supports systems theory and a systemic approach for a self-sustaining globe and culture which could be modeled on a smaller scale with a city-size system.
Phases of the movement:
Phase 1: Awareness Phase
As of 20 April 2010 (2010 -04-20)[update] the Zeitgeist Movement was in phase 1, consisting of collecting people, getting the movement's information out, and finding identification with other groups of individuals across all races, religions, and ethnicities. Phase 1 also consists of, but is not limited to, forming; teams to create the infrastructure of the movement site, a communication team, and a development team. Another aspect of phase 1 is forming international chapters which are needed for creating the infrastructure for communication on a global level. The main objective of phase 1 is the need for more members, in order to make the existence of the movement relevant to the external world.
Phase 2: Project Phase
Phase 2 is the team action phase, which the movement is not in yet, where chapter projects are shared with the community. This collective understanding is needed for a synchronized approach for projects such as knowledgeable lecturers. This is also the phase for organized awareness projects which are anticipated to lead to the incubation of offshoot projects such as ending world hunger, disarmament (by choice, not force), and anti-militarism. This phase focuses on expansion of the teams which will lead to expansion of the group and the creation of a functional organization. The aim of phase 2 is the interconnection of these groups with interrelated and interdisciplinary focuses.
Phase 3: Action Phase
Phase 3 is where higher forms of activism will occur such as boycotts, fund raising, city construction, direct lobbying of corporate and political organizations. This is the phase that will focus on dynamic interaction with previous established institutions.
Zeitgeist: The Movie - 2007 by Peter Joseph. (with 2010 update)
Zeitgeist: Addendum - 2008 by Peter Joseph
This is the Official Online (Youtube) Release of "Zeitgeist: Moving Forward" by Peter Joseph. [30 subtitles ADDED!]
On Jan. 15th, 2011, "Zeitgeist: Moving Forward" was released theatrically to sold out crowds in 60 countries; 31 languages; 295 cities and 341 Venues. It has been noted as the largest non-profit independent film release in history.
This is a non-commercial work and is available online for free viewing and no restrictions apply to uploading/download/posting/linking - as long as no money is exchanged.
asleep at the wheel,
never to realize the
reasons you may feel,
happy or sad,
normal or bad.
Just a regular person,
working too hard
to make ends meet,
for there you find
sanctuary in your routine.
In this web of life,
we are only a strand,
take away one part
and the web can't stand.
This is a poem
for the government.
This is a poem
for the compassionate.
It's time for the
leaders to hear,
the golden rule
must replace the fear.
What's done to you
is done to me.
The people must lead
for the leaders to see.
You think we
would have learned
from all the wars fought,
countries and bodies burned
at such a fatal cost.
They say that the Lord
works in mysterious ways,
so says the system,
to justify what
it does everyday.
It's a program for sure,
a paradigm at its best.
Looked at from
another perspective
begins to disturb their nest.
Over worked
and down trodden,
the one standing in the rain.
Was his life chosen,
or merely an act in vain?
Do we ignore like a store
on a fancy avenue?
If it pours, it stays its days
on street corner blues.
The saxophone blows
in storm colored hues.
Melodrama of three,
a boy, a man, a ghost.
Everyday, the dawn,
the night, come to boast,
of their friend, the number,
standing on the street corner.
People pass on by,
only to laugh,
thinking he's a crazy stoner.
With eyes that start
to believe the lies,
nothing to do but cry,
for theories of
relativity hold no hope
for this street guy.
Is it irony, or fairytale,
on the streets of Babylon?
Because the sun still rises,
even after the
street guy is gone.
Martin Luther King
walked his peaceful line,
and he sang to his children,
"children, all in due time."
A vision for the future,
an example of how to live.
A candle in this world,
is what he had to give.
I say, listen, listen to
the falling rain.
No worries, if you
missed the message,
because here comes
the message again....
The following was taken from the press release of the book: FAMILY OF SECRETS: The Bush Dynasty, America’s Invisible Government, and the Hidden History of the Last Fifty Years....
“A tour de force…Family of Secrets has made me rethink even those events I witnessed with my own eyes.” -Dan Rather
“One of the most important books of the past ten years” -Gore Vidal
“Russ Baker’s work stands out for its fierce independence, fact-based reporting, and concern for what matters most to our democracy…A lot of us look to Russ to tell us what we didn’t know.” -Bill Moyers, author and host, Bill Moyers Journal (PBS)
How did Bush happen? How did George W. Bush, that most improbable of statesmen, rise to the top? Trying to understand this conundrum launched Russ Baker on what became a five-year investigative odyssey. Given the enormous amount of scrutiny the Bush family had faced, it was hard to believe that anything new might be learned. Yet Baker’s findings took him to deeper and deeper levels of revelation, and he came to see that the Bushes had come and gone without our ever learning their true story. It also gradually dawned on him that the unlikely and controversial presidency of “Bush43″ (or “W.”) could only be understood in the context of larger forces that had up to now evaded sustained scrutiny. These forces, Baker saw, are bigger than W., bigger than the Bush dynasty, and so institutionally powerful that they can, to varying degrees, shape one administration after another, Republican and Democratic alike.
Baker began the investigation leading to FAMILY OF SECRETS with a narrow forensic approach. He studied the carefully constructed public persona of George W. Bush. Almost every popular belief about the man turned out to be based on carefully contrived falsehoods. One of the people orchestrating all this was, no surprise, Karl Rove. But an even bigger factor behind the systematic deception, Baker found, was none other than W’s father George H.W. Bush (”Bush41″ or “Poppy.”) He appeared to be both protecting his son’s political future and hiding something larger and more troubling. This bond of secrecy contradicted the popular impression of a generational struggle between the Georges. The discovery led Baker to the insight that the duo were actually far closer personally than the public had been led to believe- cooperators and confidantes, comrades in arms, really, in some kind of cause that was yet to fully emerge.
Shifting his attention to the elder Bush, Baker found that here, too, reinvention was the very essence of the man. Painstakingly studying the particulars of Poppy Bush’s life, Baker began to grasp that the public portrayal of George H.W. Bush as a bland, patrician, genial bumbler was essentially a clever cover-up. But what was it hiding? From conflicting accounts of Bush41s wartime service to the outsized global reach of Bush’s tiny start-up offshore drilling company, Baker began connecting the dots. Step by step, his research led him to an astonishing truth: that Bush41’s career in oil, politics and diplomacy had provided cover for a secret life-as a clandestine intelligence operative involved with highly sensitive operations, many of them domestic.
The only thing the public knew about Bush41 and the spy world, prior to publication of FAMILY OF SECRETS, was that he spent a single year as CIA director. Appointed by President Ford in 1975 at a time of intense congressional inquiries into CIA abuses, Bush was, according to government and media, a fresh face and outsider who as a former congressman could fend off congressional attempts at oversight.
It is significant, however, that during the same period Congress was also on the verge of reopening inquiries into the death of John F. Kennedy. Baker notes this factor as he begins to tote up curious inconsistencies and anomalies in the elder Bush’s accounts of his activities at the time of Kennedy’s death. Baker presents three faces of George H. W. Bush: the one who cannot remember where he was on November 22, 1963; the one identified (in a declassified FBI memo about the assassination) as a CIA officer working with Cuban exiles; and the one who, identifying himself as an ordinary citizen, calls in a tip on a potential assassin.
“At 1:45 pm on November 22,” Baker reports, Bush Sr. “called the FBI to identify James Parrott as a possible suspect in the president’s murder, and to mention that he, George H.W. Bush, happened to be in Tyler, Texas.” That is, not in Dallas (at least not at that precise moment). While Poppy was making the call fingering Mr. Parrott, Baker writes, Poppy’s own assistant was visiting the suspect at home-thus enabling the Bush aide to provide Parrott with an alibi. This evidentiary daisy-chain begs what follows: an exhaustive examination of Bush’s own furtive activities and his whereabouts that day-and his close ties to a large gallery of intelligence operatives who played a role in the events unfolding in Dallas. Among the subjects of interest: Allen Dulles, a former business associate and close friend of Poppy’s father, the former banker, Senator Prescott Bush. Dulles had been forced out of his post as CIA director by John F. Kennedy-who spent his three years in office virtually at war with the uncontrollable spy agency. Another important figure was Bush’s old friend George de Mohrenschildt, a mentor to Lee Harvey Oswald in the months before the shooting. More than a decade later, after Bush had become CIA director, De Mohrenschildt wrote him a panicked note mentioning Oswald; six months later, De Mohrenschildt was dead from what was described by local police as a self-inflicted shotgun blast.
Baker contextualizes these troubling events by establishing the extent to which Kennedy had alienated the powerful-from the CIA to the FBI leadership, from the mafia to the oil industry, from the Pentagon to major corporate figures. He also demonstrates the crucial role the Bush dynasty, through five generations, played in loyally advancing the agendas of many of these same interests.
The more people Baker interviewed, the more documents he obtained, the more he delved into diverse and often obscure treatises, the more he could see the outlines of an American history that had not been fully told before-a story of behind-the-scenes battles for control of this country’s policies, with incredibly high stakes.
In FAMILY OF SECRETS we learn that it was a business partner and secret-society confrere of Prescott Bush who drew up the blueprint for a new Central Intelligence Agency for President Truman; in retirement, Truman would assert that he had been tricked-and never intended to authorize the CIA’s covert action component. We grasp what the former soldier, Dwight Eisenhower, meant when, leaving the presidency, he warned us of a “military-industrial complex.”
We learn about parallels between Kennedy and Richard Nixon, and how Nixon was battling some of the same interests as Kennedy had at the time of his own downfall (and we get a whole new explanation of Watergate.) We see Nixon’s replacement, Gerald Ford, forced to the right by staffers named Rumsfeld and Cheney, and compelled to appoint Poppy Bush to the CIA directorship.
We come to understand better why so many problems befell an idealistic and naïve Jimmy Carter after he took on the cowboy element in the CIA’s unsupervised covert operations wing. We get an inkling of why Ronald Reagan, notwithstanding his dislike for his primary challenger George H. W. Bush, was compelled to take him on as his vice president. We come to see why Lyndon Johnson, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama were disinclined or unable to seriously challenge the military-industrial-banking complex or the vast and unaccountable spy establishment.
We discover new context regarding the true nature of the relationship between Saudi Arabia’s royal family, the enrichment of the Bushes’ Texas social circle, and our addiction to oil. We are presented with persuasive new facts about the role of foreign dictators and murky international money men in shaping the upward trajectories of our politicians-and the downfall of those who cross these shadowy powerbrokers.
Baker unearths astonishing nuggets even about the most purportedly well-covered events. For example, we learn something new about the motivations behind the US invasion of Iraq, from Texas journalist Mickey Herskowitz, who had worked with Bush on a pre-presidential book. “He was thinking about invading Iraq [back] in 1999,” Herskowitz told Baker. “He said to me, ‘One of the keys to being seen as a great leader is to be seen as a commander in chief… If I have a chance to invade…I’m not going to waste it.”
And finally, we come to grasp how the excesses of W.’s team of national security hardliners and corporation-friendly bureaucrats represented the ultimate triumph of this long-playing clique-the moment when the façade ever-so-briefly slipped and we could see their unapologetic oligarchic mindset and open contempt for democracy.
FAMILY OF SECRETS is massively documented and heavily annotated, but it reads like a spy thriller. Combining gripping stories, explosive revelations and trenchant analysis, Family of Secrets is much more than a new look at a presidential family. It is a secret history of the elites that have shaped American politics over the last century.
Russ Baker is an award-winning investigative reporter with a track record for making sense of complex and little understood matters. He has written for the New Yorker, Vanity Fair, the Nation, the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Village Voice and Esquire. He has also served as a contributing editor to the Columbia Journalism Review. Baker received a 2005 Deadline Club award for his exclusive reporting on George W. Bush’s military record. He is founder of the nonpartisan, nonprofit investigative news site, More information about FAMILY OF SECRETS is available at
Russ Baker{In-Studio}on Alex Jones Tv 1/4:Family of Secrets
Russ Baker{In-Studio}on Alex Jones Tv 2/4:Family of Secrets
Russ Baker{In-Studio}on Alex Jones Tv 3/4:Family of Secrets
Russ Baker{In-Studio}on Alex Jones Tv 4/4:Family of Secrets
Limitless brilliance of the desert day.
The slowly sinking sun
seemingly hangs motionless
over the distant horizon,
loathe to give up
as the day is done.
As the newborn night
silently stirs the desert
night life to play,
the little star eyes
sleepily blink open,
to promise coolness for awhile.
The distant mountain range
denotes power to beguile.
The steady heart beat
of desert night life with
a heart warming music,
rhythmic clear.
A new born evening breeze,
springs to life,
to give much needed
coolness to the desert flowers
eternal fight for life.
Only a lonely wanderer
of this desert land
could possibly know
or understand the
real fascination,
and intense coloration
of the great,
patient monoliths,
as they stand
among their kind,
in the infernal heat
of the desert sand.
The indescribable delicacy
of the desert plants
and flowers that so far
out class the carefully
tended flowers of our
civilizations clustered stand.
The soft, enchanting nights,
where the ethereal
magic of the moon,
makes desert night
seem like noon,
causing each fleeting,
dancing shadow,
seem ever changing,
never twice the same.
The great red walls
of the castle like cliffs,
tells the story of eternal
patience and bliss.
Where there is no
beginning and no end,
in this brooding,
beautiful desert wonderland.
I love to listen to this song
the desert wind is singing:
"May love and beauty
walk with you forever."
This summer started out raining. Epic thunderstorms broke the sky. The concrete smelled like freedom, but the gray clouds locked us in a little longer. Every drop coated the ground, fed the rapidly growing grass. Ran down my windows like the kind of tears that give you a headache. The days were hot and wet, almost oppressive, if they had come later in the season. Luckily it's still June, with its warm days and chilly nights. When the wind picked up i could still feel it through my clothes, its fingers gripping my skin. The wetness seemed wetter clinging to my shirt, settling into my hair. I will always have this June, this wet, rainy June, this month of gratuitous bloom, color that would be obscene if it covered anything else. It felt strange to stay amongst the lilacs and strawberries, feet planted in the springs emerald carpet, looking out at the lake and hoping i could still retreat to its depths, finding newness where i could. Started walking towards town, listening to music, pouring my words onto the pad, looking new people in the eye. Self portraits, digging in the dirt, loving dangerously, inhaling other peoples breath and smoke in the corner booth of my favorite bar. It's official, i'm a whiskey guy, whiskey in the spring, whiskey on the rocks in the summer. This June, it's whiskey by the campfire, and whiskey in my flask. It suits me well, it feels hot, a little vicious, tastes bitter and sweet. Tastes like rain in the summer, tastes like wet streets. I can still sleep easy, when i finally get to sleep, and wake up to rain, vibrant color like a hallucination. Glowing green, riotous red, everything alive. This June is nothing if not surprising, bursts of sun so strong you swear they would last forever. Nights so cold you don't even dream. I have trouble believing in the blue sky. I stare it down until my eyes burn, waiting for it to give out darker shades. Seems i've lost something, maybe my faith, maybe it's better this way. The days are growing lighter, but not for long. It feels like the beginning of the light, but it's really the beginning of the end, darkness edges its way in. But now it's still June, with its rain, with its flowers. This June came in shaking, booming, rattling, knocked the dust off, chased the birds and butterflies away, further and further into the sunrise. I'm just going to sit here and watch it set.