May 29, 2009

Spare a Smile

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Today i awoke,

got out of bed,

still can't seem

to fix my head.

Tried what seemed

to work before,

my attitude

 is really poor.

Wishing away

the anger now,

don't want to

spend another frown.

Perhaps someone

will spare a smile,

it will be mine for awhile.

When that smile

has been spent,

all the extras

have been lent,

i hope i can find

one of my own,

so i can have one to loan.

Someone will be

pissed like me,

mad for nothing,

want to scream.

But i will have a

smile to spare,

it will help to

ease their cares.

So scrounge up

a smile for me,

maybe then i

can be happy.

Creative Commons License
This work by mysticdave is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.


  1. Hello Dave! I love your blog! You have an award waiting for you at Sunflower Ranch:

    Congratulations! :D

  2. Fav lines:

    "When that smile has been spent,
    all the extras have been lent,
    i hope i can find one of my own,
    so i can have one to loan."

    Gee, that is such a good one that it can stand alone as a famous quote!

    As to the emotional heart struggle in the poem, spiritual development is like that: some days you get the bear and some days he gets you. Over time you become more aware of the process to work out of it and eventually both the issue and the process evaporate because you don't need either one. Practice, practice, practice. (sigh)

    Put some interesting articles about meditations, different disciplines, from various authors on my healing blog (link on The Social Poets site)that you might find useful in your journey. I love discovering new voices to promote!

    Keep writing poetry! There is something about writing poetry that works both the brain and the emotions to new heights of greater development - latest study.

  3. Ah! Simple and easy to relate! Great job!!!

  4. Ah...but this is enchanting Dave. I give you a smile for the beautiful expressions and because you make me feel like smiling for you! ...: )

  5. This is as it should be, Faith is right, an enchanting poem Dave.
