Feb 20, 2010

Count Your Blessings

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Count your blessings by the flowers

along life's pathway,

never by the leaves of sorrow,

that fall by the wayside.

Count your days and golden hours

by the joys and happiness

you've brought to others.

Don't remember the clouds

of frustrations that have beset

your pathway of sorrow,

always remember to look for

the sunshine of tomorrow.

Count your blessings of the flowers of life,

by the smiles, laughter, joys and happiness,

you have caused others to have.

Count your declining days of life

with smiles not tears,

and the joy and happiness

of every birthday,

by the many friends

you've made through life.

When your life's outlook seems depressing,

and the ray of hope seems dim,

just stop and pray awhile to Him.

Ask God to help you more,

to guide you along life's pathway,

and help you do what's right,

nothing's impossible for Him.

Life's prospects may

not seem very pleasant,

criticism is rampant

in everything we do.

You should stop right

there and consider,

maybe there's worse things yet to come,

or perhaps the reasons can't

be figured out by some.

But, in the midst of all those confusions,

you should thank God

for what you do have,

and not worry too much about

what you haven't got.

Remember, it's God's will

that we are here at all.

Related Post:

May God Be With You Always

Creative Commons License
This work by mysticdave is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.


  1. That's so true, we should remember why we are here and always count our blessings. I love the imagery again in this poem.

  2. Being grateful, always being grateful. Truly, Dave, that's the way to live.

  3. Lovely! Being grateful opens us up in new ways to share in the mystery of life. Life becomes much more exciting and satisfying.
