Apr 11, 2009

Urban Renewal

Majestic in your unspoken elegance,

reflecting the change of season.

Without vanity or pompousness,

you retain your natural beauty.

Ignorant of fashion, you change,

with the procession of days.

You have been my private calender,

you spoke to me of elder forests,

where antique trees had murmuring voices.

Threatened by noise and smog and city,

you stood proudly, bearing the burdens,

of life without complaint.

In spring you fairly sang with joy of growing,

of new shoots and leaves.

In the scorching parched summer,

you gently offered cool shade and comfort,

in your cool canopy.

At night one could see the life in your aura,

glowing white, such strong life force,

to awe the earth with your splendor.

Come autumn, you were thousand,

million colored, golden ocher auburn brown,

you sang of age and wisdom.

The stark loneliness of the frozen winter,

brought on contemplative serenity,

though threatened to be torn asunder

by lightning, you still lived in all your glory.

Creative Commons License
This work by mysticdave is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.


  1. hello dave, that is one hell of a photo at the top of your blog. what is it? looks like an elf guy.
    and you reviewed me - i've never been reviewed before. i'm kind of honoured. i feel somehow important. my ego taking on a life of its own. it must stop now.

    thanks for stopping by the site and please do so again. another person to read my garbage is always welcome.

  2. It is a great photo Dave, and fitting words to go with it. Thanks for taking me into your world for a few moments. Keep it up!!! :)

  3. Your writing is wonderful to read!
    Wow! is the word I think I mean ;)

  4. Nice tone for Nature...

  5. Your writing is so beautiful! I am actually kicking myself as to why i havent been around more often to read your awesome blog.
    Keep writing my friend....your beautiful spirit just shines through your words :)

  6. i love this and if trees could speak and write they would thank you for acknowledging their beauty and wisdom!!! great poem
